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Thursday, March 10, 2016

Next Week: MicroVisions Engine Licensees - Sony and Foxconn

Barring something significant, this deal is done. 

MicroVision has two Engine partners: SONY and FOXCONN. Both occupy primary positions in Apple's supply chain.

I see this as a major advance for the company. Are things better this quarter than last? Absolutely.

TOKYO: Sharp's two main banks are set to lower interest rates on billions of dollars in loans and offer other financial support as part of a planned takeover by Taiwan's Foxconn, a source with direct knowledge of the plan said.

The move is partly a response to a last-minute hitch to the signing of the deal over potential liabilities at the ailing Japanese display maker, although some of the discussions have been going on for a while, the source said.

He added that the deal is now likely to be announced next week.

The core banking units of Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group and Mizuho Financial Group have extended the vast majority of Sharp's 510 billion yen ($4.5 billion) in syndicated loans which are due at the end of the month.

Major customers of Foxconn include or have included: (From Wikipedia)


Apple, Microsoft, Sony, Acer, Nokia, Toshiba, Xiaomi, Huawei, Lenovo, are just a few of Foxconn’s largest clients. Hon Hai Precision Industry Co., Ltd., trading as Foxconn Technology Group, is a Taiwanese company that also happens to be the world’s largest electronics contractor manufacturer. At a recent company shareholder meeting, the company’s chairman, Terry Guo, made some reassuring statements.
According to Guo, this year, in 2015, Foxconn will become the world’s largest desktop, tablet, and smartphone OEM (original equipment manufacturer) / ODM (original design manufacturer). Foxconn is also the largest OEM for iPhones, and Guo reassured the shareholders — worried about Apple contracting other OEMs — that the company has been collaborating with Apple since the first generation of its products, and will continue to be Apple’s major OEM.

Thank you William!

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