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Saturday, April 23, 2016

Netflix Considering Offline Streaming

This would be huge for PicoP.  

The portable TV with recorded media will be made possible by MicroVision.

NY Daily News

Amazon has it already, so Netflix should too.

Offline streaming might be a future option for Netflix. CEO Reed Hastings said Tuesday in an earnings interview that he's okay with leaving the door open to the possibility of letting users download movies and TV shows.
"We should keep an open mind on this," Hastings said during the earnings interview (at the 22:30 mark). "We've been so focused on click-and-watch and the beauty and simplicity of streaming. But as we expand around the world, where we see an uneven set of networks, it's something we should keep an open mind about."

There is probably no technical limitation for Netflix allowing offline streaming, but the company would have to settle licensing deals in order to give content offline viewing rights.

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