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Sunday, May 15, 2016

Qualper Interview

Thanks for finding this Joe.

Doesn't that picture down there look familiar??

Why yes it does. Remember Carlucci Design?

I've been maintaining for a while that I didn't think Qualper was its own company, but was someone else trying to remain under the radar...  Here's some support that it's Sony.


Full Cape Optoelectronics Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. CEO Wang Jijun in an interview with reporters, said full-P MEMS laser cell phone coverage in addition to all the features of a smart phone, the main advantage is the development of the other phones do not already have a projection function, this feature will MEMS technology with the Android system perfect together, both complement the PC, and is an extension of the phone.

  According to related statistics, the average white-collar workers more than 2 times weekly meetings, short and long distance travel 3 times / month, demand for office equipment for the convenience of the more and more intense. Thus, the mobile phone can project the characteristics of high-end business people from 30 to 50 years old will have great appeal to fill the lack of daily office can easily be made instantly share real-time discussion with the blank carrier.

  Meanwhile, demand for mobile end visualization explosion today, but also make the whole Cape MEMS laser projector phone functions much support. Users only need a mobile phone by white walls and the side, you can enjoy high-quality, high-resolution, high-color reproduction of the 200-inch big screen 35 lumens viewing experience. "This is none at home and abroad." Wang Jijun said.

  Turning the phone gives the unique features of MEMS technology, Wang Jijun said, "is now the product of convenience, availability, compatibility and intelligence have become increasingly demanding, and MEMS technology itself contains the gene for business, all chosen to simplify Cape Business office as a breakthrough point, put forward office, Recreation easy solution, developed a multi-scene switch freely, convenient application of a strong range of products. "

  Full product P acclaimed number of new products will be available this year

  Wang Jijun said, the whole S & P will be launched this year, three mobile phones, mobile phones will become increasingly thinner body, more light, lumens are growing, in broad daylight projection out of the picture, from the clarity, color saturation, contrast in a dark room will close out the projection image quality.

  In addition, he also revealed particular, a body "petite" ultra-wide angle projector can be put on the market, "This product is mainly to replace the current outdoor LED electronic advertising screens. It's super short, super Wide projected oversized outdoor advertising, and can display high-resolution video screen. "

  Currently, the entire Cape MEMS laser phone has been receiving praises from all parties. Microelectronics expert, professor at Tsinghua University Wang Zhihua expressed, "MEMS micro laser phone as a phone, computer and projector into one intelligent communications products, market prospects."

  Dr. Joseph Stanford at the time praised the MEMS technology and the perfect integration of mobile phones, "said micro laser module compression to be small enough, is a breakthrough in MEMS micro laser technology; alternative LED light source with a laser, the laser is because poly characteristics of light. this technology will be loaded onto the phone, ideal for meetings, mobile, entertainment and other scenes, without the need to focus the projection environment of 1080P HD resolution picture quality, this is a great Idea. "

  Used the phone a business trainer said, "used to go around the country to do the training, prior telephone contact will have no other projector, now just bring MEMS laser projector phone on it, a hundred large number of people training, a direct vote cast on a 200-inch big screen, not to manual focus; aircraft, high-speed rail a few people on to the next, do not have to scrape the front of the notebook, directly to the back, the window on the projector ok; built WPS Office and Adobe Acrobat Both AAP office software, the phone will be able to edit PPT, Word, Excel, etc., can also be saved as a WiFi connection or printer to print the document. If you point advance in technology, but also directly to the notebook to our province , after we take a trip on a mobile phone, without reservation, it is absolutely a blessing! "

  Future targeting Pocket PC for users to create the ultimate living facilities
  In recent years, the domestic mobile phone market seemingly flourishing, but in fact functional application homogeneity is increasing, it is difficult to achieve a breakthrough in reality, some brands will be emphasis on upgrading the marketing, corporate image promotion, as well as an expanding product extension great efforts. However, a full-P MEMS laser emergence of mobile phones, breaking the deadlock. Feelings on the phone not to compete, but the real research on functional product development, giving the phone a more powerful hands of practical value. So naive ingenuity to make it in the sudden emergence of the mobile phone market of great potential.
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MEMS technology and dual-use mobile phones to capture the perfect combination of entertainment business people  
Among the needs of users already Poor's whole product layout plan, Wang Jijun said Pu Optoelectronics whole future products aimed at the vanguard of smart pocket PC.
  "This product will set your phone, tablet, computer advantages in one, able to vote on the virtual screen, the next cast laser keyboard, using Intel's latest CPU processor with lightweight, portable, multi-scene, entertainment and unrivaled superpower office performance, so that pocket phones, resolve any issues from life, to entertainment, to work. "Wang Jijun said.
  End of the interview, Wang Jijun told reporters quite honestly, the whole S & P's goal is to the forefront of scientific and technological achievements into consumers the convenience of life, become very strength of domestic research and development of mobile Internet terminal micro laser projection products, production and sales companies, providing highly competitive photovoltaic products, technologies and solutions for the mobile terminal industry and end users.
  It is understood that, at present, the whole Pu Optoelectronics and through its own R & D cooperation with global strategic partners and comprehensive grasp of intellectual property MEMS micro laser projection core technology. To protect the company's R & D results, to ensure the competitiveness, it has applied for patents in almost a hundred important core area of ​​China, the United States, Germany, Japan and other MEMS micro laser projection-related technology development and applications. (Text / Wang wind)

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