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Friday, June 10, 2016

The Fear Motivation of the Modern CEO

I once had the good fortune to be able to chat with a mover in the consumer electronics field.

One of the things I was told during that event is that most of the CEO's -- the movers and decision makers in consumer electronics have very little courage to do anything new. This was echoed in a way by Mr. Tokman during the ASM, when he mentioned that all the companies want to be "fast followers." 

When other company finds something new that catches hold, then everyone will know where they want to be -- they'll find something that they can improve or adjust for their own audience, and they'll pile in.

We've seen this before with cameras in cell phones, with smart phones, with Amazon Echo style devices -- how long did Amazon have to sit on that out of fear, and then suddenly Apple, Google and others pile into the space.

They are fast followers.

Now, of course, I would have preferred to have PicoP in the Motorola attachable pico projector that was announced yesterday -- but that is the kind of thing that will start the fast follower stampede.

And the fast follower stampede in portable projection favors MicroVision in every way. PicoP is brighter, higher resolution, much higher contrast, lower power consumption, smaller, has infinite focus -- and it's already embedded in a phone?

In the Motorola device, or not in it -- the more they promote it, the better for us.

What's our competition?  I guess what comes naturally with PicoP is too much to ask for them.

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