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Monday, July 18, 2016

The BIG Picture

Occasionally it's time to review the big picture. Traffic to this blog is up in a very interesting way, and there are new countries of note on the traffic radar. 

When it comes down to it, most of what is posted about Microvision is noise. I end up in a lot of discussions about Microvision with friends and other investors, and I find myself often backing up to the big picture. Too much focus on details leads to giving details more importance than they deserve.

The BIG Picture -- all you need to know

  • Most of the people on earth are carrying smartphones and they are getting increasingly powerful. -- they can deliver more data than can be viewed on the small screen that fits in the pocket.
  • Everyone who has a smart phone would like the physical size of it to be smaller
  •  Everyone who has a smart phone would like the screen to be bigger

Where are we now?
  • PicoP is embeddable in a usable smart phone as demonstrated by Qualper.
    • Many stockholders have now seen and held this.
  • The Qualper phone is a quick sale. 
  • There is no way that the Qualper solution isn't visible to large OEMS.
  • There are no impediments to mass production.
  • Brighter and smaller is in the works.
  • Only a tiny number of people in the world are aware of PicoP 
    • Huge investing opportunity
  • Look how fast Pokemon Go went from (apparently) zero to madness.
Potential Market:
  • Last year 1,400,000,000 smartphones were sold world wide.
  • 1% penetration of that market would be 14,000,000 unit sales. 
  • Smartphones are only part of the potential for MicroVision -- this ignores
    • Signage
    • Embedded in Tablet Computers
    • Pocket computers
    • Auto
    • Augmented Reality
    • 3D laser scanning
Many people who own this stock are FULLY invested -- which results in a lack of upward pressure. Some of us have more invested than "reasonable" people would. I am among those.

...everything else is noise.

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