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Friday, August 12, 2016

More than we can imagine

There are more ways to use cool tools than their inventors will have conjured up. 

That is absolutely going to be true  of PicoP - everywhere that someone wants a little display, and more.

This particular application of Virtual Reality struck me as very compelling -- helping people get over their fear of public speaking.

The reasoning they offer (third paragraph) I find particularly interesting, and the kind of method that lets an investor or any other strategic thinker make great decisions. 

(We may be early to MVIS, but we are not wrong.)

Virtual Reality Public Speaking Simulator

Horror games are often scarier in VR than anywhere else, but start-up Cerevrum is using the technology to help people face a different type of fear: public speaking. Picturing the audience in their underwear doesn't help much, so the company's Gear VR app, Speech Center VR, drops the user in this familiar, uncomfortable setting to help people feel more confident in front of a crowd.
Some of those uncomfortable scenarios include presentations, sales pitches, job interviews, and negotiations, which Speech Center VR reproduces with a host of animated, very Sims-like avatars staring expectantly at you. Pre-set interactive lessons can bring you up to speed on certain areas, or if you're practicing a specific presentation, upload it to the app and test it on a virtual audience first. More detailed feedback can be wrung from an audience full of avatars controlled by other human users.
"We started with public speaking because it is one of the most important soft skills we can learn, and yet, it often requires us to overcome our fears," says Natasha Floksy, CEO of Cerevrum. "VR has the unique ability to closely replicate uncomfortable scenarios, so the more students and professionals practice with Speech Center VR, the more comfortable they become with those scenarios."

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