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Monday, August 8, 2016

Opportunity Hololens

Application focused article, very interesting. Probably moving along faster than Microsoft expected.

I think we're a good candidate for inclusion in the Hololens, given the superiority of the Microvision Nomad display to anything else I managed to try at CES.

When considering MVIS and AR, however it's important to note that there is a lot of work AR companies need to do on how to interact with the devices, and the software that makes them go. Ultimately, Microvision provides the display. (and likely a pretty cool 3D laser scanner.)

Canada's Financial Post -- Much more at the source

Unlike VR, the adoption of which is being driven by the entertainment industry — and especially the video game sector — mixed reality is expanding through enterprise customers. One of Finger Food’s primary projects right now is for Paccar, Inc., an American designer and manufacturer of medium- and heavy-duty trucks. Finger Food is using HoloLens to develop mixed reality processes that will expedite the engineering of the company’s enormous vehicles.

“We just invested in a new 26,000 square-foot facility, big enough to hold a semi-trailer truck,” Peterson said. “It’s funny; we have this massive facility and a team of engineers and designers just looking at a big empty space. But when you put on the HoloLens suddenly there’s a hologram of a truck in front of you. It’s a pretty mind-boggling experience.”

The hologram looks so real you want to reach out and run your hand along the truck’s curved bonnet. It allows designers to make modifications on the fly and see the results in seconds.

“Engineers can quickly iterate through different designs and see the effects of different aerodynamics,” Peterson said. “You’re able to go through so many more designs much more quickly. It allows your business to reduce the time to market for big programs.”

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