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Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Apple approached McLaren About Acquisition

So, Apple approaches a car company about an acquisition. That's interesting. What's more interesting is Robert Scoble's reaction to it on Facebook. Where did THAT come from, and what does he know that we don't? (He's forgotten more about cutting edge tech than most of us will ever know... so why this reaction?) More to watch.

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Apple has approached McLaren Technology Group, the British supercar engineer and Formula One team owner, about a potential acquisition, in the clearest sign yet that the iPhone maker is seeking to transform the automotive industry.
The California technology group, which has been working on a self-driving electric vehicle for more than two years, is considering a full takeover of McLaren or a strategic investment, according to three people briefed on the negotiations who said talks started several months ago. 

The lossmaking automotive group was likely to be valued at between £1bn and £1.5bn, the people said, adding that it was not clear a deal would be done.
That would make it Apple’s biggest acquisition since the $3bn purchase of Beats Electronics, the audio group founded by Dr Dre and Jimmy Iovine, in 2014.

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