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Thursday, September 22, 2016

Apple Desperately needs a Brilliant New Product

The economy of smart phones is more complex than it seems at first. 

Many of them are subsidized by carriers -- and the carriers change the degree to which they're willing to subsidize new phones.

This is hurting Apple.

What Apple needs is something new and exciting -- or the new iPhones end up being a liability to them.

A great new feature for smart phones will perk up the whole industry -- and be awesome for holders of MicroVision. 

Be patient -- it's the best mobile projection technology there is -- it will get better when the competition is up against the limitations of physics. 

1.4 billion smartphones sold last year want it.

Money |  (Much more at the source)

The iPhone accounted for 57 percent of Apple Inc.'s (ticker: AAPL) revenue last quarter. It's a product that revolutionized the consumer technology field as we know it. And for AAPL stock owners, it's pretty central to the investing thesis.
The iPhone has driven more than 50 percent of Apple's revenue every year since 2012. Back when the smartphone market was growing by leaps and bounds, this was a blessing. Today it's a curse. 
Sales of the iPhone fell for the first time in history earlier this year in the fiscal second quarter, then fell once more in the third. For a product that originally debuted in 2007, that's not such a bad track record. 
It's not entirely Apple's fault that iPhone sales are stumbling; the smartphone market as a whole is stagnating. In the first quarter of 2016, smartphone shipment growth grew less than 0.2 percent annually, according to IDC, registering the smallest growth ever.

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