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Thursday, September 1, 2016

What do we know?

It's frustrating to invest in something that is subject to a lot of NDA's. There isn't a lot we know about Microvision. 

If we just stare at the stock price and at the headlines waiting for something, it can get pretty frustrating. Everyone that is invested in this company feels it.

We don't know where PicoP is going to show up, or when. We don't know when it will appear in a mass market product first. (maybe tomorrow, maybe six months from now, maybe next year. We don't know. We don't know why the Qualper phone isn't being promoted like crazy and selling like mad. We don't know any details about Microvision's relationships with partners.

But, here's what we know:

  • Everyone wants a bigger screen on their smart phone
  • Everyone wants to carry a smaller form factor smart phone
  • 1.4 billion smart phones we sold world wide last year (and the number keeps growing.)
  • Smartphone makers are desperate for anything new and interesting
  •  When asked, people really like the idea of having a projector in their phone
  • PicoP is small and getting smaller, high definition, never needs to be focused, and uses little power.
  • The Qualper phone proves that PicoP does well in a phone.
  • Sony is producing engines using PicoP  (Supplier of components to nearly everyone)
  • Sharp/Foxconn has PicoP. (Maker of the Apple iPhone)
  • Microvision has a huge portfolio of Augmented reality patents
  • Microvision's nomad has a much larger field of view than any of the top of the line AR devices currently available.
So, that's all we know. Use the contact form if you want to add something.

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