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Tuesday, October 25, 2016

On producing Augmented Reality Helmets.

Thanks Joe!!

Just in case you have forgotten about LiveMap. The video is old, the paper discussed below is new.


Abstract Possibilities for creating a helmet-mounted collimated display system are explored building on an analysis of available technologies for the development of display systems. Optical calculation of components is performed as part of the study. 

Keywords: display system, projection system, micro-display. 

INTRODUCTION Active research is currently underway to develop augmented reality devices. Application of such solutions in various areas of human life can markedly simplify acquisition of relevant information in the course of dynamic activities. For example, a person driving a vehicle needs to respond fast to any change in the dynamic situation and can obtain necessary information with the use of augmented reality devices without being distracted by the instrument panel. This is especially relevant for motorcycles. Because of the small size and high maneuverability of their vehicles, motorcycle drivers often find themselves in near-accident situations, in which of crucial importance are the completeness and delivery speed of information about the situation, which the driver uses to make up their mind about further actions.

CHOICE OF THE DISPLAY GENERATOR This study also featured a comparative analysis of microdisplays and micro-projectors built upon various solutions. The main selection criteria included brightness and operating angles of emission, and energy consumption. The Microvision PicoP Display Engine (PDE) [1] laser scanning projector proved to be the most suitable projector in terms of brightness and power consumption. The device has the following structure. Narrow collimated ray beams from three laser sources (red, green, and blue) are superimposed with the use of a specter-dividing optical combiner. The superimposed ray beam (with a diameter of 1 millimeter) falls onto a micromechanical scanner that consists of two micro-mirrors. The brightness of the color components of the superimposed beam is modulated by video signal. The device then scans the combined ray in two dimensions thus building an image on the display similar to electronic ray scan in a television picture tube. The beam is focused on a typical distance to the display of 0.5–1 meter. With beam diameter at 1 millimeter it can be considered collimated. The system does not envisage focusing at a distance less than 60 millimeters. The micro-projector in question has the lowest power consumption. Ray deflection angles at the PDE exit are 49.7 horizontally and 25.4 vertically.

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