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Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Augmented Reality Teaching Potential

I started seeing this news yesterday. This is really interesting because this is a significant kind of learning. When trying to learn morse code purposely, it was quite difficult, and would require a lot of purposeful practice. 

Even the NATO phonetic alphabet (Alfa, bravo, charlie, delta, echo....) is difficult to learn, not as difficult as morse however. I've marveled at people who can listen to fast morse code and understand it easily and quickly. (They start to hear words)

Among the tricks I used to learn the phonetic was to start using it on every street sign I saw. Repetition is key, but it looks like this particular method is passive -- you don't have to provide your own willpower 

So, now if AR technology can be used to teach similar things to people (How to play the piano, Braille, Morse, or possibly even teaching young people to read) This could be a huge benefit to people around the world. 

The Inquirer

Indian Express


If all that is meaningless to you, don’t worry. Researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology have found a way for humans to learn Morse code in four hours just by playing games.

The subjects were given Google Glass headsets (ask your parents) and continued to play games while vibrations near the ear slowly embedded subconscious Morsey goodness into their brains, reported

At the end of a few hours of gaming and clandestine learning the subjects could type a sentence that used all the letters of the alphabet with a 94 per cent success rate. Linear typing of the alphabet in Morse reached a staggering 98 per cent hit rate.

Georgia Tech has pulled this kind of thing before, which it calls Passive Haptic Learning (PHL). Subjects have been taught Braille, how to play the piano and how to feel a hand again after a spinal injury.

Morse Code

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