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Saturday, November 5, 2016

Facebook Building a phone?

So, project Ara was one of those programs that it seemed PicoP would be an excellent addition to. 

Google recently shelved Ara. Apparently it's popping up over at Facebook.

Given Facebook's past of gobbling things up, and throwing a lot of resources in directions, this could get interesting.

C|Net  -- More at the Source

Ara, a Lego-like phone with modular parts, would let buyers snap on a better camera, additional batteries or any other creative hardware a developer might dream up. It was set to be the first phone entirely designed by Google, the three men claimed.

Then the Ara project was abruptly shelved.

But now, all three of those men work for Building 8 -- a secretive new division of Facebook. There, they've been joined by an impressive list of heavy hitters that reads like a who's who of the tech world: Motorola, Tesla, Apple and Amazon, in addition to that contingent of Google ex-pats.

What's Building 8?

Originally, it sounded like Building 8 was a skunkworks where Facebook could prototype a whole bunch of new technologies -- like 360-degree video cameras -- and figure out the fastest way to get them into consumers' hands, usually through partnerships.

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