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Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Apple Testing Augmented Reality Smart Glasses

Generally very good sources. This particular rumor has been swirling around a little, this gives it more credibility.

There are plenty of markets for near-eye display and pico projection

Apple isn't the only player, they're usually not first, but they usually do a really good job of things.

China is probably ahead of them now.

Near-eye displays / Augmented Reality is a place where Microvision is leading.


Watch the whole video. Apple is also working on other ways to enhance the iPhone. 

Apple Testing Augmented Reality 'Smart Glasses' That connect to iPhone

Apple has contacted potential suppliers about its glasses project and has ordered "small quantities" of near-eye displays, suggesting the project is in the exploratory prototyping phase of development. If work on the glasses progresses, they could be released in 2018.


The glasses may be Apple's first hardware product targeted directly at AR, one of the people said. Cook has beefed up AR capabilities through acquisitions. In 2013, Apple bought PrimeSense, which developed motion-sensing technology in Microsoft Corp.'s Kinect gaming system. Purchases of software startups in the field, Metaio Inc. and Flyby Media Inc., followed in 2015 and 2016.

Past rumors have also indicated Apple is exploring a number of virtual and augmented reality projects, including a full VR headset. Apple has a full team dedicated to AR and VR research and how the technologies can be incorporated into future Apple products. Cook recently said that he believes augmented reality would be more useful and interesting to people than virtual reality.

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