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Saturday, November 19, 2016

The Fool Takes Notice

I've been waiting for a long time for the Motley Fool to notice Microvision. 

The Motley Fool is a place where some serious traders and investors go to learn about what is up and coming. Their investing record is very good.

So, a mention by them in any way is good. When they do a feature on Microvision, hang on tight.


STMicroelectronics manufactures a wide variety of chips for connected cars, wearables, and Internet of Things gadgets. It also makes motion sensors (accelerometers and gyroscopes) for smartphones and tablets. 
STMicro lost ground in motion sensors to its smaller rival InvenSense over the past few years, but it recently launched an ultra-low power 6-axis gyroscope and accelerometer combo device designed specifically for VR and AR devices. The device has already been certified for use with both the Project Tango and Daydream platforms.
As the AR and VR markets grow, rising demand for more motion sensors should enable STMicro to leverage its scale and offer its sensors at lower prices than InvenSense. STMicro is also heavily invested in the computer vision market -- it manufactures ADAS (advanced driver assistance systems) leader Mobileye's EyeQ computer vision chips, and produces LIDAR technologies for autonomous driving, AR, and VR uses with Microvision.

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