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Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Regional Xaiomi -- MWC

Xaiomi is one of the regionals to watch.

Apparently up to something soon, we'll see what happens.

The Chinese company Xiaomi will be boasting its Xiaomi Mi 6 flagship this year. It is projected that it will have its grand reveal in the Mobile World Congress from Feb. 27 to March 2. Tech writers and fans are anticipating for its appearance to see whether it is as good as the leaked specs and features floating online.


Tech writers believe that this is the surprise product that Xiaomi VP Li Wanquiang has mentioned during the Geek Park Innovation conference in Beijing. It is worth noting that Xiaomi has made its first time appearance at CES just this month and many speculate that they will again be seen at MWC next month bringing Xiaomi Mi 6 series.

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