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Thursday, April 13, 2017

AR = Game Changer for Self imrpovement

There are a lot of use cases for AR. Another one for the catalog. Near-eye display or projection... the scanner will recognize who you are and messages could be customized.

Huffington Post - More at Source

According to Forbes, only eight per cent of us will keep our New Year's resolutions. Why is that? Many of us want to start exercising, stop procrastinating or start saving money; others want to quit
smoking and drink less... but for most of us, these grand new plans will be abandoned three weeks down the line.
Gamified self-improvement
Here are some examples of how AR, above any other technology, could be the key to breaking bad habits and the future of self-improvement.
Imagine, you're sitting on your couch, craving some late-night snacks, wearing your AR device. You walk to your fridge and open it: an icon appears telling you just how much heavier you'll get if you eat that piece of cake in front of you.
Or it's Sunday night and you forgot to complete a task for work. All of a sudden, your boss's picture comes up right in front of your eyes, telling you to get it done.

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