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Sunday, April 16, 2017

Surgery-- Augmented Reality Benefit

To train pilots they use simulators -- with them, they can train people to handle things they'll probably never actually experience. 

It's about as difficult to train surgeons.

Near eye displays will be an essential component of something that can improve productivity and people. That's a good place to be.

Digital Trends  -- more at the source.

Touch Surgery Simulations 

Can a surgeon really use an app to practice surgery, and is it necessary? Surgeons don’t get to practice much. Contrary to what some may think, cadavers aren’t commonly used, and often the first surgery performed is exactly that — the very first time the doctor is doing the procedure. :

“Surgery is a process, with a series of actions, and those actions are used to navigate through the body to find the problem and fix it,” Touch Surgery CEO and founder Jean Nehme explained to Digital Trends. “The best surgeons have years of experience, telling them what to do, when, and alerting them to any potential problems. The question is, how do you take that expertise, and pass it on to new surgeons? Typically it’s done through description, transfer of knowledge through training sessions, or more recently, videos of surgeries.”


Touch Surgery steps in here. By combining intelligence from surgical text books, studies, videos, and direct knowledge from discussions with a surgeon; it’s possible to bring it all together to create the mock procedure seen in the app. But this only comes after each surgery has been storyboarded, rendered, and animated by a team that includes members who’ve previously worked with movie effects experts Industrial Light and Magic. Realism is essential, and the team has had doctors try to move the non-existent patient’s limbs or body around while testing the platform on HoloLens, demonstrating how close to reality the experience is.


“Anything you can do to familiarise yourself with the situation,” Nehme told us, “is enormously beneficial.” Quoting studies and research on Touch Surgery’s effectiveness, he said, “By using Touch Surgery and repeatedly testing yourself, you go from not knowing anything, to knowing what you need to know in five hours.”

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