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Saturday, May 6, 2017

Coca Cola testing the use of AR

Coca Cola testing Augmented Reality for Maintenance.

When a good idea comes along, people will find it and use it.. 

This is going to be HUGE.

Michael Terrell was playing an augmented reality (AR) video game with his son when he got an idea.

“I started thinking, ‘Surely we can use this technology in our bottling plants’,” said Terrell, director of operational excellence for Coca-Cola Refreshments.

Unlike virtual reality (VR), which replaces the real world with computer-simulated environments, AR overlays data on top of the real world via software-enabled smartglasses. Terrell, who is responsible for using emerging technologies to reduce costs, improve quality control and drive efficiencies throughout the Coca-Cola supply chain, saw the opportunity for technicians to use AR to access maintenance and service information within their line of sight, while keeping their hands free.

Reconfiguring bottling equipment for different packaging options – for example, switching a production run from 150-ml cans to 8-oz. glass bottles – is a complex process known as a changeover. Terrell and his team are using AR to minimize downtime during changeovers, boosting overall output. Technicians onboard cruise ships also are testing AR to remotely service Coca-Cola Freestyle fountain dispensers when issues arise at sea.

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