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Monday, July 31, 2017

Mobile Ad spending to grow...

I believe this is very meaningful. The SIZE of the ads is going to be bigger with PicoP, and I'm sure that advertisers are actually dreaming of the days when they can put targeted ads in a large format from a phone.

More eyes make it more effective.... when you're showing your pictures on the wall in the restaurant, to your family and friends -- and everyone nearby... 

Microvision Tweet


The sheer volume of mobile video consumption will push mobile video ad spending past non-mobile next year. In 2018, mobile video ad spending is expected to grow 49 percent to nearly $18 billion, while fixed online video ad spending is expected to decline 1.5 percent to $15 billion.
That’s because people around the world will watch 25 percent more video on phones and tablets next year, while video consumption on non-mobile devices like laptops and computers is expected to decline for the first time, according to new forecasts from media measurement company Zenith.
In 2018, people on average will spend 36 minutes watching online video on their phones and tablets compared with 18.5 minutes on non-mobile devices. Mobile online video consumption first passed non-mobile last year and the gulf is going to widen significantly in the coming years.

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