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Tuesday, July 11, 2017

The most important slide (short term) from the ASM

When I was in high school I had a teacher, who, when the class was being particularly thick would say "I have to spoon-feed you kiddies."

I don't look at the boards much anymore, I do glance occasionally for cool stuff other people have dug up... recently I saw something that requires an apparent spoon-feeding of what I regarded as the most important slide from the ASM presentation.

So they TOLD us -- THIS year... 

Here is your checklist:

1) Embedded in Smartphone
2) Embedded in Tablet
3) Interactive Pico Projection
4) Head Up display

I heard some concern that the timeline is now out to 2021+... which is fantastic.

Yes, the timeline is that far out now.... with NEW stuff. 

Everything they were talking about 2 years ago, is happening THIS year.

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