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Wednesday, September 6, 2017

A Trillion IoT devices

.... to deliver the information they collect and process they need displays. (big displays in small packages, and hopefully interactive displays.)

Computing horsepower available to those devices is stunning....

MVIS YouTube Interactive Display

They have Doom on a Thermostat power... 

Design News -- source
Imagine one trillion connected devices. That’s a thousand billion. The prediction that we’ll see a trillion IoT devices in the next 20 years came from Masayoshi Son, CEO of SoftBank (which in 2016 acquiredARM) at last year’s ARM TechCon conference .
His crystal ball shows that by next year, the number of IoT devices will surpass the number of mobile devices. By 2021, he expects 1.8 billion PCs, 8.6 billion mobile devices, and 15.7 billion IoT devices. All of this comes with a lot of data. He further predicted that by 2035, the amount of data will grow more than 2,400 times, from 1 exabyte to 2.3 zettabytes. A lot of bits.

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