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Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Microsoft AR Recent Patent

Joe sent an article this morning with a couple of interesting pictures from a recent Microsoft patent.

The glasses at the top are Osterhaut glasses. (A version after what I managed to try.) The amount of hardware they had resting on your nose was too much for comfort.

This article also features some interesting interface devices, like a bracelet and rings. (As cool as the glasses might be, we're probably not going to want to make gestures in groups of people to control our glasses, but fiddling with a ring or wrist controller wouldn't make anyone feel too weird.)


Beyond shrinking the overall size of HoloLens, Microsoft’s patent also details new multi-use cases for use of AR outside of the previous work, lab, warehouse and home showcases the company used to highlight.

In this latest patent filing, Microsoft developers are sorta of resurrecting the spirit of Google Glass in corner mounted AR information but the company is also aiming to introduce additional wearables such as smart rings that should help with navigating augmented UI’s and information.

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