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Saturday, August 10, 2019

FCC: 5G is safe.

There are many people concerned about this, but for now, the FCC has determined it to be safe.

This may have been part of the later than expected Hololens news (recent approval from FCC)

5G would be beneficial to MVIS -- delivery of more data, at faster rates will make delivery of video and Augmented Reality Date much more efficient -- and likely cheaper over time.

FCC Link

PDF of FCC Statement

The Federal Communications Commission has officially announced this week that 5G and the radio waves that come with it — while draped in controversy — are indeed safe for everyday use.

5G networks have only just begun hitting the market for smartphone users, and the buzz is substantial. With reported speeds as high as 1.1 Gbps, everyday users and industry experts are drooling at the potential uses for this blazing fast network. Plus, with Apple finally getting in on the action, 5G will soon become the standard for all devices.

However, many have worried that the higher frequency radio waves used for 5G could have negative health effects on citizens around the world. Luckily, according to the FCC, there's nothing to worry about.
What Did the FCC Say?

In a statement released earlier this week, the FCC outlined their plan to maintain current radio frequency exposure standards, which stated pretty matter-of-factly that 5G is not only safe, but that the regulations in place to protect you are also pretty strict.

“The FCC sets radio frequency limits in close consultation with the FDA and other health agencies. After a thorough review of the record and consultation with these agencies, we find it appropriate to maintain the existing radio frequency limits, which are among the most stringent in the world for cell phones,” 

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