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Thursday, November 26, 2015

EETimes: ST Microelectronics

There's more here than simply confirming that STMicroelectronics is working with Sony and MicroVision. Check out the article at the source.

Something that's long been suspected has been confirmed.

This makes us more confident that the Lenovo Smartcast   Will be using PicoP. I'll be watching.


ST sees results of MEMS diversity thrustA 2012 strategy to expand ST's MEMS offering into applications and market sectors that would complement success in smartphones is starting to pay off, according to Benedetto Vigna, general manager of the analog, MEMS and sensors group at STMicroelectronics.

Sandro Dalle Feste, product development manager in ST'S AMS group explained that micro-mirror driving can be done electrostatically or electromagnetically. In essence the first uses high voltages and low currents while the second has low voltages and high currents. In the interests of energy saving the former is preferable.

"And ST is also in production for MicroVision and Sony in the MPCL1 laser picoprojector, although this requires either two mirrors or a double axis mirror. The advantage of a laser-based "flying spot" system is that the image does not need to be focused – saving weight and energy – and "keystone" correction can yield a rectangular image on most flat surfaces. And ST provides the processor to perform the image correction."

Picoprojectors do have challenges. It is hard for them to be bright enough while staying within the "eye-safe" laser category and while being sufficiently low power for mobile and battery-operated applications. However, Vigna points out that optical MEMS can be used for many as yet undeveloped applications; for beam-steering of automobile headlights, for polymer curing in 3D printing.

ST's optical MEMS program is not quite at the same state of readiness as the inertial MEMS platform where ST introduced has standardized process platforms such as THELMA, says Vigna. "It's more, engage with the right partners and then let the market take off," he said.

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