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Tuesday, November 24, 2015

ViewSmart Laser Pico Projector - UPDATED

FCC Document (Particularly Image #12 is of interest, it seems to be the same size and shape of the Sony PicoP module.) The size checks out with the SONY module HERE. It does appear to me that the pictures are of a working unit that was disassembled for the pictures.

Top Menu of Device at FCC

This article From Big5 is showing imagery of the ViewSmart (95% confidence) and is using this MEMS image with is showing MicroVision MEMS. Source

I believe this engine was in a working model and was removed for the included pictures which would explain the "damage" on the unit.

As you can see the dimensions are the same as claimed in the SONY release about the PicoP engine they make. (HERE)

So, where should we be with degree of confidence on this? There are some key terms used and some inconsistencies to consider:

Two Points against
1) The Viewsmart company claims their guy created the technology.
2) The Viewsmart company claims higher resolution than the SONY engine we know about provides.

Points FOR it being MicroVision:
1) The engine has the same shape and size of the SONY engine.
2) The engine is using lasers,
3) The engine is using MEMS

So, I'd give about 95% confidence that this is a MicroVision enabled product. There is enough given that points towards MVIS, and the things that point away would be explainable as the input going into the unit could be 1080P, and the resulting display being better than 720P... they may  be giving themselves the benefit. As for credit for inventing the technology, one guy probably could have assembled the components and made this device possible.

From Giznoise

From an Article by Andrew Strachan

Hot on the heels of the Celluon Pico Pro and Sony MPCL-1 it seems that the world is finally waking up to portable laser pico projectors.
The latest rumors are that we are about to see another laser projector hit the market in December 2015.
From the images within the FCC filing, it seems that the ViewSmart PS1 utilizes a 5 laser Microvision/Sony PicoP laser module system very similar to that which Celluon and Sony have recently implemented in their models.
My personal opinion, is that the PS1 is using the same (or similar) Sony module that you will find inside both the Pico Air, Pico Pro and MPCL-1.
From what we can gather, the ViewSmart PS1 will contain at least the following features :-
  1. Android OS
  2. Icon driven menu system
  3. Touchpad
  4. Wi-Fi / DLNA
  5. PC Connectivity
  6. Video Player
  7. Music Player
  8. Photo Browser
So, if you have thought about getting a laser pico projector or you would like a pico projector with better features than the Sony MPCl-1 or Celluon PicoPro, it may be worth waiting until December to see what the ViewSmart PS1 has to offer.
Source: FCCViewSmart

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