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Wednesday, December 16, 2015

SONY Patents & Bollywood

A couple of very interesting patents and commentary from IP Watchdog.

First in this article that made me perk up is the idea that SONY would return to the local distribution of Bollywood movies. That's distributing in India (home of Micromax) and also where they have been testing their seriously miniature tv tuner. Here and Here (Mumbai testing)

It appears they are also getting into leveraging this for advertising -- which also works for us. Maybe they're working on the scary edge of advertising... 

Local distribution...

In motion picture distribution, Sony Pictures India will return in 2016 to the local distribution of Bollywood movies, an area of business that the company first took on about a decade ago before phasing out Bollywood distribution.

From IPwatchdog

Finally, we wanted to explore an invention in the field of broadcasting advertisements to consumers and described within U.S. Patent Application No. 20150326904, titled Incentivizing Commerce by Regionally Located Broadcast Signal in Conjunction with Automatic Feedback or Filtering. It claims a method for digital commerce in conjunction with a digital broadcast by presenting a commercial message with a display device associated with a digital broadcast receiving device if a predetermined condition detected by either a vehicle sensor or a biometric sensor included in an ancillary device exists, generating response information using ancillary data to determine an effectiveness of the commercial message in generating a response and transmitting the response information if a commercial transaction associated with a commercial message is completed. This invention is designed to incentivize digital commerce in response to a major shift in advertising from broadcast television to digital devices like Internet-enabled televisions.

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