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Friday, July 15, 2016

Excellent Augmented Reality Piece at Udacity

A lot of what is here is echoing what's been said about PicoP for a long time: One of its enormous benefits will be enabling people to readily and easily share the media they see on their mobile devices, in person. More interpersonal engagement.

Have a nice day. You're invested in making social media actually social and that has a big future.

There's a lot more at the source. 

All consuming Appeal of Pokemon Go and what it means for App Developers - From the Udacity Blog, by Christopher Watkins

Augmented Reality, Social Reality

There is something else very significant happening here as well. Augmented reality is impacting social reality. In an age where everyone from teachers to preachers to parents to politicians regularly bemoans how anti-social social media is making everyone, suddenly along comes Pokémon GO, actually bringing people together “in real life.” In Grand Rapids, thousands will gather on Friday for a massive Pokémon GO hunt. In Connecticut, public landmarks are turning into community gathering sites virtually overnight. This article in the Daily Mail collects some amazing stories of burgeoning romances brought about by playing the game. Here in the Bay Area, Oakland Athletics star outfielder Coco Crisp admits that the game has taken over the clubhouse and sent players out into the streets where they are crossing paths with, among other things, people out on Pokémon pub crawls! Perhaps most famously, New York’s Central Park has turned into what people are calling “Pokémon HQ.” If you’re a developer, this is overwhelming stuff. In a post-Pokémon GO world, you’re suddenly building to meet entirely different expectations of what constitutes true interactivity and engagement.

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