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Friday, July 15, 2016

FCC Approves 5G - Phones to get 5 times faster

Which will be really good for viewing video with your PicoP

Seattle Times (more at the source)

“These are huge blocks of spectrum that will deliver amazing applications to Americans,” said Meredith Attwell Baker, president of CTIA, a trade group for wireless companies, including the top four U.S. carriers, AT&T, Verizon Communications, Sprint and Bellevue-based T-Mobile US. “This is a critical first step to ensure the U.S. is in a position to lead the world in 5G.”

All four top U.S. mobile carriers have announced plans to test 5G technology, with partners including Cisco Systems, Ericsson, Nokia, Qualcomm and Samsung Electronics. Connections are projected to double by 2020 and reach 500 billion a decade later as more mobile devices, robots, light sensors and drones all become part of the so-called internet of things.

“We’re talking about superfast data rates, super-low latency: the kind of wireless anyone would want that’s only a dream today,” said Dean Brenner, senior vice president for government affairs at Qualcomm. The chipmaker joined with Intel, Verizon, Samsung, Nokia and Ericsson to ask the FCC to allow higher power for base stations than the agency initially proposed.

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