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Monday, October 31, 2016

Cool glimpses into the Future of AR.

To make Augmented reality work you need the best near-eye display. 

Spar3d -- much more at source

This video from Fracture games adds a lot of scale–it demonstrates how HoloLens data can be used to show proposed changes to the London skyline. Fracture has also included a lot of nice aesthetic touches, like a small plane flying over the model, or a view that includes the London underground.
That’s not the only reason the video looks nicer than we’re used to. It was also shot from an external camera with HoloLens data superimposed and, likely, cleaned up a little bit.
It’s an intriguing look into the future of the HoloLens, and a possible taste of what happens when designers start paying more attention to the little details.

And -- this about how Microsoft may have a huge advantage. In AR -- because of cost (economies of scale?) and they have tools to work with the content already.


Also being used for battlefield info -- From the Ukranian Arms and Security Show
MSPowerUser  -- More at the source.

Lifeboat Blog
Now Ukrainian company LimpidArmor has shown off a new application for the augmented reality device on the actual battlefield to improve the field of view of tank commanders without exposing them to additional risk. The technology was shown off at the Arms and Security show, held in Kiev from 11 to 14 October.

LimpidArmor’s hardware and software system uses a HoloLens integrated with a helmet and cameras mounted around the tank to give commanders a 360 degree view of their environment in both optical and thermal and makes this available in real-time.

It also overlays telemetry and other information of the battle environment, both internal and from field commanders. The developers say they also plan to include the ability to control armaments and receive information from drones and other aerial vehicles.

Augmented Reality Art Book

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