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Monday, October 31, 2016

PicoBit up on Celluon's Website

I think this is the product that takes us to the next level (unless the release of something else is bigger and imminent.)

Stand-alone projectors are great, but it takes a minute or so to connect the projector to a phone and make everything go. (And I've found that in Wifi "noisy" areas, establishing and retaining the connection can be difficult. -- like in a phone store.)

With a device that has its own operating system, focus free, with no connection issues and essentially an "instant-on" condition -- a lot of difficulties are answered.

THIS device -- with only Netflix loaded on it -- is your portable big-screen TV.  It hasn't been noticed by very many people yet, but it will be. 

Stand alone was proof of concept, this is where things get really interesting.

Celluon Picobit Website

Share your passion

Show off with this ultra-slim, ultra-portable projector that lets you do more than you ever imagined.

From wireless and HDMI connections to even SD card memory, PicoBit provides the easiest ways to project a big screen experience.

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