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Monday, November 27, 2017

Opportunity India

The Opportunity in India is amazing. Apple is treating its retailers in India shabbily, the demand for smart phones is huge.

Top this off with them loving their movies, and a shortage of movie screens... 

Things are looking good for the Voga V in India. INDIA SCREEN SHORTAGE

Voga V Phablet in India (Money symbol in Rupee)

Patently Apple
Now a new bone of contention has surfaced. According to a new report out of India, "Apple has reduced retail margins on the iPhone X by nearly 30%, frustrating large format chain owners and small-scale retailers that are crying foul that the Cupertino-based company does not want its retail partners to benefit while the company itself profits from the massive margins it makes.

Some like Bengaluru-based Sangeetha Mobiles have stopped taking orders of the new flagship, even as the costliest iPhone ever faces huge supply-demand mismatch in India, leading analysts to say that Apple should slot India far higher in its priority list and bring in larger shipments of the iPhone X."
Subhash Chandra, managing director at Sangeetha Mobiles, which has 400 stores across the country said that "Apple has cut margins on the iPhone X from 6.5% to 4.5% for large retailers like us, and if a customer pays by card, which is usually the case, the margin reduces to almost 1.5-2%."

Chandra added that "Apple gives the least margins… How on earth do they expect the retailer to work for them for free -- our overheads are anywhere around 10%."

The Economic Times report further noted that a "Industry insiders reveal that typically, brands such as Samsung or Xiaomi offer more than double the margin that Apple offers, around 12-15%. To gain share from competition, players like Oppo and Vivo were also giving higher than usual margins to retailers, but Apple has refrained from this practice.

Thanks for the heads-up Ron!

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