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Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Back to Basics...

There's a lot going on lately, and a lot of anticipation about Microvision finally being in products.

I was talking to a friend, and another who created this excellent Reddit Post.

The very basic investing thesis for this company is still intact:

People carry increasingly powerful computers with them everywhere. People universally -- without exception -- want two incompatible things from those small computers. They want their form factor smaller and they want bigger screens from them.

Until smart phones arrived, form factors for cell phones got VERY small. When smart phones arrived and they became small portable computers, the form factors got larger -- sure there was additional function, but mostly it was to fit a larger screen.

These two desires are contrary. It is simply impossible to have a smaller form factor and a larger screen at the same time --- unless you use what Microvision has to offer.

It allows two contrary desires to be answered at the same time.

They can now do this with an interactive screen.

With near eye display you can wear a comfortable hat and make EVERYTHING a screen. This isn't science fiction, it's here, and those who have been paying attention lately are part of a very small exclusive club that knows about this before most people. MWC is popular with mobile providers and enthusiasts, but that's still a very limited audience.

During the discussion the other morning, the ability for a screen to be put nearly anywhere reminded us of this commercial. 

The power of computing now, and significant computing in small packages increases the desire for screens --- if a small thing has a great deal of computing power, what's the point unless you can access that.  (Yes, you can play Doom on a Thermostat)

With this tech, you'll be able to put a "stick up" display almost anywhere.

Microvision has arrived.

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