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Monday, March 11, 2019

The Closest thing to Magic...

I suspect the author would think the same of interactive laser displays that are always in focus, scanning LiDAR that can recognize your cat vs the neighbors cat (or lock the door for your mother in law, and open it for your best friend), and large screen viewing areas from the end of a smartphone... magic that Microvision makes a reality....
Microvision is in the magic business.


The experience created by the HoloLens 2 is the
closest thing to visible magic the tech industry has ever produced. I'm not sure whether to describe my experience with it earlier this week as "hands-on" or "hands-off" since I didn't touch anything that was real. But my hands certainly interacted with things that, but for their luminosity and lack of tactile presence, seemed to be in the real world.

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