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Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Another Project ARA Article

Much more at the link above

The night before Google's Advanced Technology and Projects (ATAP) division was supposed to show off the one and only functional Project Ara prototype to a room full of eager developers, someone dropped the phone and broke the display. At any other product reveal, this worst-case scenario would be a nightmare come true. Not to Google: the company made lemonade out of a lemon by turning it into a selling point for the modular smartphone. A year from now, painful situations like this can be easily fixed by simply buying a new display and swapping out the broken one.
Not that last night's fiasco would've made much of a difference. Attendees at this week's Project Ara developer conference wouldn't have been able to boot up the prototype and play around with it like any typical smartphone -- in this case, "functional" is not the same as "functioning" -- but at least it would've made for a better presentation. Regardless of how it looked, however, we were able to briefly handle the Project Ara prototype and some of its first modules. To be clear, this is an extremely early model and there's a long way to go before seeing the light of day, but it at least allows us to get a good glimpse of what's to come over the next year as Ara continues to prepare for launch.

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