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Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Google to offer Phone Service?

This is actually huge.

The love of PicoP is going to be very dependent on availability of content.

If Google can pull this off, the bandwidth available for cell networks will be huge in most urban areas, and bottlenecks that currently exist on conventional cell networks will be largely ameliorated. (Big word, I know, look it up.)

Google Nexus 5
Many see Google Fiber as an attempt to disrupt the stagnant world of internet service providers, and it now sounds like Google wants to shake up the wireless industry, too. Sources for The Information claim that the search firm wants to offer mobile phone service in Fiber areas. It's not yet clear how this would work, but Google reportedly told Verizon in January that it would like to become an MVNO (mobile virtual network operator) piggybacking on Big Red's network. None of the companies involved are commenting on the rumor, and there are no guarantees that Google's dreams will become reality. We certainly wouldn't count on Verizon's cooperation given its vehement opposition to the net neutrality principles that Larry Page and crew hold dear. However, Google is the sort of company that's willing to supply internet access by any means necessary -- if it's really bent on offering phone service, it'll find a way.

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