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Monday, September 15, 2014

Microvision Leading the Screen Revolution

When I think about Microvision, I don’t think about the people who are clamoring for it’s product already. There aren’t too many. There aren’t very many people who know this company exists. If my analysis of the situation is correct, that’s about to change in a big way.

Walk into a Best Buy store. Don’t run in. Stand at the door and look at the whole store, like it’s one thing. Stand at the door, and look at the whole store.

Look at the different sections of the store. Rather than look for different electronic things, just look for screens and things that use screens. Of eleven sections on their website, all but three involve screens. There are screens everywhere – screens that deliver video, images, and data. Most of the store is about screens.

Even most of the audio products they have are designed to support something shown on a screen.

If a part of the store isn’t displaying screens, it’s displaying something that puts something on a screen.

Appliances and furniture? Many of the appliances are starting to sport information and control screens. Most of the furniture they carry is designed to hold a screen – or hold you as you look at one.

That camera area – everything they do with those – you see it on a screen. Sure, you’re going to print some of those still images, but mostly you share them, on a screen. It may be a small screen, or a large screen, but that’s where the image is almost certainly going to go.

DVD players, computers, tablets, DVDs – they’re all screen dependent. In the audio section, most of those iPods and other music players can also play video – on screens.

Think of all the devices we have now with small screens – small only because larger ones are too expensive and too bulky. (Like GPS, portable computers and wearable electronics.) Think of the things that currently enhance screens that would be better if they had their own screens. (like Roku, DVD players, Apple TV & Chromecast)

GoPro? No good without a screen. How much better will it be with a big screen that can travel with it? (instantly share that event with friends on a big screen!)

You get the idea.

That’s where Microvision comes in. It’s a big screen you can put in your pocket. They have a product that will be smaller, cheaper and as good or better than all of those other screens.

The Microvision screen can be everywhere. Anywhere. It’s small. It’s always in focus. It’s better than any other portable projector out there – without exception. You’ll soon find it inside other products you already love, making them a lot better.

The screen revolution is about to begin, and no one is looking for it.

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