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Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Watching Apple TV

For some time, I have thought that Apple TV is among the most likely of places for PicoP to arrive in the Apple ecosystem

Immediately following the iPhone 6 unveiling, CEO Tim Cook started talking about Apple TV.

From Macworld UK

What did Steve Jobs think of the Apple TV?

Steve Jobs always used to describe the Apple TV as a "hobby" but in the last years of his life he seemed to be won over to the idea that Apple could take a place in the living room. Jobs' biographer asked him about television and Jobs said he'd cracked it, leading to much speculation that Apple has big plans to improve it's Apple TV, or perhaps offer an actual Apple television set, sometimes referred to as iTV.
Jobs told Isaacson: "I’d like to create an integrated television set that is completely easy to use. It would be seamlessly synced with all of your devices and with iCloud. No longer would users have to fiddle with complex remotes for DVD players and cable channels. It will have the simplest use interface you could imagine. I finally cracked it."
However, Jobs wasn't all for the entry into the television market. According to claims in a book, Apple's late CEO and co-founder Steve Jobs had ruled out selling a television. The revelation appears in Haunted Empire: Apple After Steve Jobs by former Wall Street Journal reporter Yukari Iwatani Kane. Kane claims that on one occasion at a company retreat Jobs was asked whether Apple intended to release a television set and his response was: "no". Jobs went on to describe TV as a "terrible business," stating that "they don't turn over and the margins suck".   
Despite this, further evidence has appeared that suggests that television was an area that Apple is interested in. As part of the Apple versus Samsung legal proceedings an email from Steve Jobs from October 2010 has emerged that sheds some light on the importance of the Apple TV, which Apple was still describing as a hobby product at the time.  In the rough agenda for a meeting, Jobs notes the strategy is to: "Stay in the living room game and make a great "must have" accessory for iOS devices."
Updated on 4 September to deal with claims (now clearly disproved) that a new Apple TV would be launched in August, and to discuss the chances of an October update - based on the fact that Apple is currently giving away a £25 iTunes vouchers to people who buy an Apple TV (a deal that runs out on 30 September).
 read all the rumours about the iTV Apple Television here.

So it is possible that we will see the new Apple TV very soon, or in October. But is is also possible that the new Apple TV won't launch until 2015. Back in July a report came in from The Information (subscription required). The Information's source had them that Apple's engineers who are working on the project have been told that the launch will not happen in 2014. The reason for the delay: problems negotiating with the cable companies in the US (particularly Comcast, who are to be acquired by Time Warner Cable). In fact this merger - likely to have a huge impact on the industry - may be the reason for the delay.

Apple sets its sights on redesigning the TV after CEO Tim Cook describes it as being 'stuck back in the Seventies'

  • Apple’s chief executive made the claims on the Charlie Rose Show in the US
  • He said Apple is a product the firm ‘continues to have great interest in’
  • But added the concept of TV is ‘stuck back in the seventies’
  • The firm already sells a $99 Apple TV set-top streaming box
  • Rumours claim Apple is also working on its own live broadcast TV set

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Macworld Apple TV 2014 Preview

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