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Monday, October 19, 2015

Eye-tracking Chip

This is the kind of thing that could work with PicoP in a number of ways. Not only in the "where and when should something be projected, but to alleviate any worries about laser light shining in eyes.

Eye Tracking Chip - Silicon Republic -- other interesting things at the link.

Tobii’s ‘eye-tracking’ chip 

Laptops, smartphones, tablets and desktop computers might never be the same again after Tobii announced its Tobii EyeChip to the world last week.

US$15m worth of investment and a bunch of years of R&D was behind Tobii’s release, with the EyeChip evidently useable across a range of devices.

It actually incorporates the company’s sixth-generation tracking technology, while the IS4 platform – powered by the EyeChip – has the potential to support facial recognition, facial feature tracking, head tracking and more.


If you think about it, VR could get a whole lot cooler if technology like this continues to advance at speed but, for now, it’s up to OEMs to get involved.

“These new products let us empower the world’s leading OEMs with the world’s best eye tracking for consumer devices and, together, bring consumers truly exciting and revolutionary experiences,” said Oscar Werner, president of Tobii Tech.

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