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Monday, November 9, 2015

SONY PicoP Engine Pages

I have basically scraped this page, because I know that companies change their pages from time to time and want to save it. Check it at the source, there is more information there.

I'm reasonably confident that this summarizes where they intend to take PicoP in the near future, and one of these they are already selling. Where and when we'll see the other applications we'll see soon enough.

SONY Global Pico Projector Module

SONY Pages

Application Examples

Stand alone pico projector

Our module can realize a pico projector product which is so small to carry in a shirt pocket and which also provides always infocus image with high contrast ratio and wide color gamut.

Embedded pico projector

Our module can realize a mobile product like smartphone and tablet PC, which can project always infocus image with high contrast ratio and wide color gamut.

Head-up display

Thanks to the focus-free technology, our module can project an image to either flat, curved or uneven surface, to show necessary information for a vehicle driver.
Moreover the module can display much clear images or characters with high contrast ratio, high resolution and wide color gamut.

Projection mapping / Digital signage

Thanks to the focus free technology, our module can project a crisp image to either flat, curved or uneven surface.

Furthermore, the projected image is always in focus even if its projection distance (from the pico projector to the screen) is changed.

This technology can realize to project images to moving materials, deforming materials or soft materials like cloths.

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