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Thursday, February 11, 2016

QD Laser Glasses at Wearables

From AvWatchImpress

QDレーザは、RGBのレーザー光をMEMSミラーに照射し、網膜で直接映像を感じられる「レーザアイウエア」を紹介。カメラで捉えた映像をリアルタイムでディスプレイに表示するもので、視覚に問題を抱える人向けの補助端末として提案しているTranslated by Google:QD laser irradiates the RGB laser light to the MEMS mirror, introduce a "laser eyewear" can be felt directly image the retina. The image captured by the camera intended to be displayed on the display in real time, has been proposed as an auxiliary terminal for people who have problems in vision
  • I'm nearly certain that this being produced in cooperation with MicroVision. 
  • I had a chance to try one of their samples at CES (That looked like the blue one) 
  • Tentative schedule was for march
  • Not for everyone, but can apparently help the blind see -- (not all of them, but some of them.)
  • Connected to Fujitsu?

Past Posts:

Fujitsu Laser Glasses

-- found by an alert poster on investor village.

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