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Sunday, July 10, 2016

First Augmented Reality Game Release & Microvision's future

If you had ANY doubts about whether or not people will be attracted to augmented reality, augmented reality games, you can put them to rest now. This  game has drawn crowds at malls, and parks all over the place. No doubt about whether people will seek AR devices, solutions or games.

The coolest thing about this in my opinion is that it is bringing people together in a big way. Virtual reality completely isolates you from other people -- this augmented reality game is bringing people together.

Watching some media on your phone isolates you --- using PicoP will make it possible to share it. 

I've been watching this for at least since September of 2015. (before it's official announcement.)

Niantic Labs (maker of Pokemon Go) is connected to Nintendo. Nintendo has a "mystery" with their upcoming Nintendo NX console that is supposed to have some kind of portable game play.

My hunch is that it's going to put AR out in the open where people can see it... watch the videos (featured in in one of my first posts about Pokemon Go below) -- this combined with PicoP so you can see and share the game play, I think that would even be more popular.

How popular is it now?

Shutting down Servers
Use Pokemon to bring people to your business (Forbes)
Pokemon nerd Gamplay stuff (good pictures of game)
Police tell players to stop trying to catch the sandshrew in the Darwin police station

One of my first posts about Pokemon Go

Here are the videos featured so you can see them without chasing links.

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