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Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Toshiba -- interesting acquisition: UPDATED

UPDATE: Offer for Toshiba likely to be rejected

The Toshiba acquisition story is about where people see value. 

I do not know any details of the Toshiba offer, except that Foxconn thinks that one division of the company is worth three times entire market price of the company. 

Either they are stupid, or they see value where others do not.

Seeing value is why I own shares in this company. "The market" -- the allegedly all-knowing market, often has things wildly mis-priced. 

Many people do quite well by staying with the herd. Herd followers rarely do exceptionally well. There is more risk outside the herd - unless there is good reason to be sure of yourself. When the herd starts moving current shareholders in this company are going to do really well. The predators will get trampled.

MicroVision is a very small company (so far) that has survived many setbacks. There is an inherent strength that comes from surviving adversity. 

The tech is better now, the ecosystem is completely ready for mass adoption, and new markets are available to them.

Some would try to convince you that "The market" knows all, which is why the price is as low as it is today.

I know, that the value of this company FAR EXCEEDS what the market currently prices it.

The reason is simple. They have what people want. A way to interact with the little computers they carry -- a way to share images with others easily. A way to pull people out of their own little world and share what they see on their tiny screens. 

... and an awesome, highly recognized patent portfolio. PatentVue

I had help taking the picture below, that was my Samsung S4 at the bottom of the screen, and the same image from a PicoPro, using Microvision's PicoP. Now MicroVision can give you a touch-screen as large as that, from your phone. That thing in your pocket. Why Microvision?

Laser Scanning & Near-eye displays? -- could be every bit as big as pico projection.

Foxconn offering 27 Billion Dollars for Toshiba Storage Business
Toshiba sale in Australian Dollars

Yahoo Quote -- 7.8 Billion (As of this morning)
Bloomberg Quote (Japanese Yen) 

Wolfram Alpha Conversion (From Bloomberg Quote) 8.54 Billion (What's half a billion or so?)

Toshiba and the Japanese government want to sell the company’s semiconductor business to a domestic buyer, but foreign bidders are proving determined and aggressive as the auction heads to a decision. University of Shizuoka Professor Seijiro Takeshita speaks on "Bloomberg Daybreak: Asia." (Source: Bloomberg)

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