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Saturday, July 14, 2018


We still like big screens, but we do like things to be "ultra-mobile." Gartner is a guy to pay attention to.

Thx Ron.

Gartner Report 

Patently Apple


"The PC and ultramobile semiconductor market will decline, as semiconductor device prices dip through 2022. Although platforms and devices will diversify, semiconductor technology product managers must mainly focus on ways to control price declines to avoid revenue losses."


Of course, if you could go ultra-mobile and still retain a large screen -- these companies could transition from "avoiding losses" to "maximizing gains."

My favorite bet -- Sharp/Foxconn -- for the display-only contract, could bring large displays to mobile devices like crazy.

Don't forget, that in their presentation, MicroVision thinks INTERACTIVE DISPLAY is still their biggest play for next year, and we haven't heard about that contract yet. (Not sure when we will, but I'm expecting it.)

And, big screens in small devices.... well, that is capable of generating the kind of growth that cameras in Phones had --- because in spite of the enormous growth in cameras, people like to look at screens more than they like to take pictures.

Remember the growth in Camera sales chart?

The new display engine has very high resolution, far better than my computer screen at 1680*1050.

From Microvision
“Our new MEMS scanner represents a major advancement for our scanner portfolio,” said Perry Mulligan, MicroVision’s Chief Executive Officer. “The new MEMS scanner utilizes two mirrors, an ultra-flat piezo-electric 2mm diameter mirror, combined with a magnetic 6x5mm mirror, to achieve industry leading resolution of 2560 x 1440 for laser beam scanned displays. Providing users with a flicker-free experience, the new scanner operates at 120Hz, while maintaining about the same power consumption as our current single mirror product,” Mulligan added.

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