Monday, July 6, 2015

For a larger screen

Everyone wants a larger screen on their mobile device. So far it's been screen size vs. how much device you're willing to carry.

This company has come up with a folding screen. An interesting idea for a mobile device, but I'm pretty sure that this will be impractical and disappointing next to a phone with image by PicoP.

Financial Review Australia


Roam's flagship product is a universal computing device, known as the Roam Freedom, which is still at the prototype phase. Mr Kantor however said he has high hopes of creating a new brand category, having worked on the device with a small team for four years.

He said the Freedom is an amalgamation of a smartphone, tablet, laptop and desktop computer. The size of a standard smartphone, it packs 128GB of solid-state internal storage space and has multiple processors. The 5.5-inch cell phone has three screens, which can be unfolded to form a 10-inch tablet; it also has an inbuilt laser to project a full size keyboard onto any surface, meaning it could feasibly serve as a full PC, and can run Windows 10 natively.

"Personally I would love to get it to CES [in Las Vegas in January], but obviously building the foundation of a strong company here comes first, so realistically it will be a bit later next year," Mr Kantor said. "Once we can build some traction and brand awareness, I think we will have a better chance of taking on that new segment."

The manufacture of the company's products is a global operation, with most components made under detailed instructions in China. Mr Kantor said much of the company's revenue growth was also likely to also come across Asia and in other emerging markets.

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